Directions to Stonehouse Park Field Complex:
Directions in:
CA 16/Jackson Highway to Rancho Murieta.
First stoplight at Murieta Parkway (Chevron at corner), take a left and drive into the first gate/security building.
Stay in the left lane so that you can speak to security guard. Tell them you are here for soccer at Stonehouse Park.
Proceed straight through the gate onto Murieta Parkway. 2nd stop sign, at Guadalupe Drive, take a left.
Proceed on Guadalupe Drive approximately 1/2 mile to Pera (stop sign) and take a left.
On Pera, take an immediate right on to Escuela.
Proceed up the hill to Stonehouse Park Complex.
Stonehouse 1, at top of hill, take a right, proceed to end to parking lot. 11 v 11 field is on left.
Stonehouse 2, at top of hill, take a right, proceed to end of parking lot. 7 v 7 field is next to 11 v 11 field. Please note on this field, both teams and parents are on the same sideline closest to parking lot.
Stonehouse 3, at top of hill, locate the parking lot next to Play structure/Gazebo. 9 v 9 field is located within the softball outfield next to the parking lot.
Stonehouse 4, at the top of hill, 5v5 fields are located on the left. Fields are fenced in.
Directions out:
Escuela to Pera, take a right onto Pera. Take Pera to Lago, take a right onto Lago.
Lago to gate, through gate out to Murieta Parkway; take a right. Take right onto CA-16, Jackson Highway.
Speed Limit is 25 MPH throughout Community