Providing Soccer in Elk Grove since 1983
6000 players and counting
We are proud to announce we have something for every soccer player. We realize it is important to provide services that meet the needs of our young athletes for all levels of soccer. Contact us today and we can discuss the soccer program that is right for you.
Leadership Board
Meet our Board!
Soccer Leadership
Meet our Soccer Team!
Sean Christophersen

Comments From
Our Members
“I came to Elk Grove Soccer, because my daughter dreamed of playing college soccer. After completion of a camp and her first season our family realized this is the right place for us. But how could I extend the time spent with my daughter? Elk Grove Soccer staff suggested to me to train to become a coach and now I am on my way to becoming a professional coach”.

Peter Millan
“If you want to get the amazing experience of being part of a team and playing soccer, Elk Grove Soccer is the club for you. My friends have been part of the club for years and invited me this year. After years of watching and hearing, my family are now soccer nuts!”.

Peter Bridges
“I have never played soccer, but my son wanted to understand what one feels during the game and wanted to play after watching the World Cup. I am very grateful to the Elk Grove Soccer team! These guys made my son’s first soccer experience as safe and amazing as possible”.

Alisa Hampton
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