How to Create Other Events for Teams
Applicable Roles
As an Admin or Director, you are able to create Other Events for multiple teams in one action. Other Events are often utilized for tournaments that teams are participating in. You can create an Other Event to represent a tournament, then add all the teams that will be participating in that tournament. Other Events can be created for a single day or recurring for a defined timeframe.
When Other Events are created in this fashion, the events are then managed individually at the team level. This allows Coaches and Team Managers to adjust the times and details for the event that is specific for their team.
Note: This approach differs from Club Events in that a Club Event is a centrally managed event that is published on all team calendars (where any changes by an Admin are pushed out to all teams).
Creating an Other Event for Multiple Teams
As an Admin or Director, navigate to “Teams” in the left-hand menu, click “More Actions“, and select “Add Other Event“.
This will open the “New Event” window. From here, fill out the event information including title, description, teams, date, start/end time, toggle “Recurring” if applicable, and event address.
When finished, click the “Add Event” button. A pop-up window will appear giving you the option to send a mass notification to the Team members informing them of the created event. After giving a notification selection, the event will be added to the Team calendars. Once created, the event will be managed by teams at the team level. If you need to edit or remove these events, you will need to go to each team to make these changes.
Other Event on Coach Calendar: