
Fundraising Policy

Soccer for all

Since 1983

We understand at times teams want to raise funds for their entire team’s benefit (e.g., additional equipment, tournament expenses, travel, etc.). The following are guidelines that Elk Grove Soccer has put in place for your team fundraising efforts. Any team or member not following these guidelines may become subject to sanctions as deemed necessary by Elk Grove Soccer.

In general, we want to stay out of your team’s fundraising. Car washes, bake sales, crowdfunding, etc. can all be completed without our permission. The only time we need to be involved is if you are trying to fundraise at one of our facilities that we either rent, lease or own.

Please note that Elk Grove Soccer is not responsible for any mishandling or loss of funds. It is up to you to show discretion in which events you choose to use for fundraising. We encourage you to select events that are in line with your values as parents and our values as a youth club. Some team fundraising suggestions are listed below, but this list is not exhaustive.

I. Definitions

  • Elk Grove Soccer Facilities: any physical location owned or rented by Elk Grove Soccer, such as buildings or
  • Fundraising: “Fundraising” is defined as an authorized activity involving labor and effort to raise money. Examples of fundraising events include such things as car washes, bake sales, and selling promotional items such as candy bars. Fundraising events should have the involvement of a substantial number of the members (and parents) of a team.
  • Donations: “Donations” are defined as solicited or unsolicited contributions from individuals, businesses, or other entities without exchange of You are responsible for soliciting your own donations. Teams may not solicit donations at any Elk Grove Soccer facility, whether owned or rented by Elk Grove Soccer, without first contacting Elk Grove Soccer through the formal application process and receiving approval.

II. Fundraising at Elk Grove Soccer Facilities

Individual team fundraising at any facility rented by Elk Grove Soccer will be reviewed through a special application process. The reason is simple. Elk Grove Soccer ’s general operating budget which supports all club programming is supported through events at our facilities. Any type of team fundraising could hinder the club fundraising activities (i.e., concessions, vending machines, vendors, sponsors, merchandise sales, etc.). We also outsource our concessions at events/games, so with food centered fundraising proposals, we must be sensitive to our contracted concessionaire. Other product fundraising at rented facilities must also be reviewed.

Anyone who is interested in raising funds at a facility must complete the attached application and wait for review. Please allow for at least 5 business days for a response. Failure to receive approval may result in event cancellation and, in extreme or repeat cases, other sanctions as deemed necessary by Elk Grove Soccer.

If you are approved to fund raise at Elk Grove Soccer facilities, this only gives you permission to operate at the approved event. We accept no legal liability for your actions, or for fundraising proceeds or accounting for security of such proceeds, and you are responsible for your own operations.

III. Team Sponsorships

Team sponsorships can only come in the form of a donation. Only sponsorships at the Club level will be given access to sponsor benefits including logo representation on Elk Grove Soccer products. If a company is interested in a club sponsorship, please direct them to the main office. If a company wants to “sponsor” your travel or fundraising efforts directly, they will not receive benefits through the club or a tax-deductible donation.

IV. Team Fundraising

Teams cannot use Elk Grove Soccer ’s TAX ID for team Only the club can accept tax deductible donations.

Please be aware of the club’s current sponsors: We ask you not to contact our current sponsors for donations, and please respect any prospect’s right to say no.

Elk Grove Soccer staff are unable to manage the collection and disbursement of funds A team parent must keep written records of funds received and disbursed and must present such documentation upon request from a parent or other concerned party. We want to protect you from accusations of mishandling funds, and the only sure protection is documentation.

Correspondence with possible donors cannot be on Elk Grove Soccer letterhead.

Teams may not use Elk Grove Soccer logo, marks, or other identity for team gain. However, our logo may be incorporated into fundraising materials (see below), as long as your specific team is designated clearly (e.g., flyers, letters, etc.)

Form letters or fundraising materials must include the following information:

All donations are for the benefit of your specific Elk Grove Soccer team (i.e., you are not raising money for the club; you are raising money for your TEAM)

The specific name of the team (e.g., 08B Elk Grove Soccer)

Donations are NOT tax deductible

No team is allowed to host a Raffle on behalf of Elk Grove Soccer: non-profits are limited by law in our allotted raffles each year. We must reserve these for raffles that benefit our entire club. Be advised that the state regulates raffles tightly. If your team chooses to do a raffle, you need to consult state law.

Elk Grove Soccer strongly advises against any fundraising event that is centered around alcohol (e.g., wine tasting, beer tasting). For many events like this, groups must go through a permitting process with the CEO.

Elk Grove Soccer will not provide access to our database (e.g., email, addresses, team packets), website, or social media for your individual team fundraisers, promotions, or solicitation.

V. Suggested Fundraisers

These fundraisers do not need to go through a formal application process with Elk Grove Soccer. Please refer back to Section IV for policies and guidelines for how to manage your fundraiser. If you have questions whether or not your fundraiser needs approval, please email Executive Assistant, Jen Mattos (

  • Car Wash
  • Bake Sales (not on facility property)
  • Third party fundraising vendors (e.g., Candy Fundraising) to sell products like food, wrapping paper, coupon books, or other products where your TEAM receives a portion of proceeds
  • Sales at local arenas by parent volunteers, if applicable (e.g., BSP; subject to the rules of each venue)
  • Restaurant approved fundraisers (e.g., contact Jen if you have a restaurant)
  • Approved travel partners who provide fundraising assistance (e.g., Adidas Soccer Travel)
  • Crowdfunding Platforms (gofundme, crowdrise, )

VI. Use of Funds

Money earned via fundraising activities will be kept in your team account and must be used for soccer related expenses such as club fees, travel expenses, etc. Payments made to any individuals must be documented with receipts that support the payment for the soccer related expense. Receipts should be submitted to the team treasurer.

Elk Grove Soccer

Fundraising Application

Please complete all relevant items

In an effort to establish a consistent policy for the approval of fundraisers, the following guidelines should be observed. 


  1. Please complete the form below.
  2. Our fundraising committee will get an instant email notification of your request.
  3. You will receive an email within 5 business days with an approval or denial. 

Please complete the following form for to submit your request. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Mattos

Fundraising Application

Applying Team Representative

Event Information

Type of Fundraising

e.g. Car wash, company donation, restaurant fundraiser
Please provide a description of items and prices
Please include the purpose and benefit derived from the fundraising activity, a brief description of the fundraising activity, and any solicitation methods to be used. Be as specific as possible to expedite your approval process. If you are hoping to sell food, provide ample detail about how you will do this and the product.
Clear Signature

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Elk Grove Soccer